Citizen Charter of KMCH
Welcome to KMCH, the twelfth Medical College of Assam. KMCH is committed to provide quality services and medical care to each and every citizen coming to us. In line with our mandate, we, at KMCH, strive hard to provide comprehensive, high quality tertiary care services to our users. However, there may be some deficiencies inherent in a new Medical College. This charter seeks to provide a frame work, which enables our users to know:-
• The services available in this hospital.
• The quality of services they are entitled to.
• The means through which complaints regarding denial or poor quality of services will be redressed.
Number of Beds, Doctors, Nurses etc. The hospital has a total of 380+ beds (including Emergency Ward).
There are 87 doctors at present.
Enquiry and Information about KMCH Central Enquiry & Registration office is located in the lobby of the OPD Complex. Registration Counters, enquiry counters and help desk are available. Moreover, separate counters are provided for senior citizens, differently abled persons. 24 hours Pharmacy and Medical Record are stationed at the same venue.
KMCH helpline:
Indoor Services
Patients should register themselves with the Medical Record Department at registration counter. This entitles them for doctors’ consultations, certain basic investigations, life saving medicines and surgical items, diet, linen, I.V. fluids etc. Most of the drugs/ medication are available with the pharmacy. However, one may need to purchase subject to non-availability of supplied drugs and surgical items.
All in-patients receive treatment by team of Resident Doctors and Nurses, available round the clock, under the supervision and guidance of senior Faculty Members of KMCH.
Hospital Attendants are available in different wards to help in patient care and related activities.
Indoor services have portable X-ray machines, ECG services, blood sample collection, generator back up, emergency lights, internal telephone and chairs for attendants etc.
Waste disposal is done as per the established rules (Biomedical Waste Management and Handling Rules, 2016) and utmost care is taken to keep the premises neat and clean.
Every inpatient is provided with two attendant passes. Visitors are allowed only during notified visiting hours i.e. 12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
Special investigations like USG, CT, MRI etc. are charged as per the rates approved by Government of Assam and revised from time to time.
For very poor patients having BPL card, on recommendation of treating doctor, the hospital charges may be waived off by Med. Supdtt./his nominee and costly drugs/surgical items may be provided by the hospital. You may contact Hospital Superintendent in this regard.
Bed linen is changed at the time of admission, thereafter on every alternate day and also whenever required.
Food is served three times a day under supervision of dietician in the morning along with tea.
Short admissions requiring stay for less than 24 hours are done for minor illness/some investigations/interventions. Day Care facility is available for certain types of procedures, e.g., blood transfusion, endoscopies and similar interventions.
Operation Theatres
The institute has fully equipped modern Operation Theatres, where all kinds of major and minor surgeries are performed. State-of-the-art OTs are housed in the 1st Floor of the hospital complex which are fully functional.
For routine surgeries, the respective departments maintain waiting list. Patients are called and operated upon as per the waiting list. But, in case of emergencies, out of turn surgeries are also performed, at the discretion of the treating doctors and patient’s condition. The patient should get his Pre-Anaesthetic Check-up done in PAC Room before operation and follow the instructions given by the treating Doctors.
The hospital has ICU to provide expert ICU care. State of the Art ICU Complex housing the Burn ward, ICCU, PICU, SICU, MICU, are located in the first floor of the hospital premises. Sufficient beds as per norms are available with adequate manpower to provide best of services.
Laboratory Services
24 hours Emergency Lab: Emergency Laboratory service in the Central Clinical Laboratory is available throughout the year for all emergency Biochemical, Microbiological, and Pathological investigations. The time for collecting samples from indoor patients is between 8 A.M to 2 P.M.. During this period the blood samples are collected by the laboratory technicians posted in the Central Clinical Laboratory for the purpose. For the rest of the time between 2 PM to 8 AM, samples are collected by the staff nurses/ trainees under supervision on duty in their respective wards. All kind of routine and emergency investigations are available.
Routine Lab - Sample Collection Timings: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Reports are given after 2:00 PM.
All type of routine and special investigations including Biochemical, Microbiology, and Pathology are done at KMCH.
Blood Bank
KMCH has a licensed modern Blood Bank with component separation facility which functions 24 hours a day and provides facilities for blood donation, storage and issue of blood. Strict precautions are taken and testing is done to prevent any transfusion borne infection. If your patient requires blood transfusions, then you are requested to arrange healthy blood donors for donating blood in order to reduce shortage of blood. Blood donation camps are held from time to time with the help of NGOs.
Casualty and Emergency Services
LocationCasualty/Emergency area is in the ground floor of hospital building. Signage is present to mark the location.
Services are available 24 hours a day.
Anyone with urgent medical problem can seek consultation/treatment in the casualty after 2 P.M. Emergency/Casualty ward including 30 semi fowler beds to admit patients who require observation. It is equipped with modern gadgets & equipments e.g. monitors, defibrillators, nebulizers; central O2 & suction supply etc. are available in emergency complex.
If doctors decide that you need urgent medical intervention, you will be registered at the casualty registration counter and proper medical care will be provided promptly.
Casualty has dedicated team of doctors (Casualty Medical Officers from major specialties i.e. Medicine, Surgery, Orthopaedics & Paediatrics and Junior Residents), Nurses, Paramedics and various categories of Grade-IV staff to provide urgent medical services.
We endeavour to provide medical care (including investigation and treatment) at the earliest possible time. The treating doctors will call any specialist/super-specialist, who is available on call for urgent consultation as and when required.
In serious cases treatment/management gets priority over paper work like Registration/Medico-Legal requirements etc.
Casualty has Emergency Operation Theatre for any urgent surgical need. The Casualty is fully equipped with all modern gadgets like monitors, nebulisers, defibrillators, O2 and suction supply etc.
All urgent investigations like Blood Biochemistry, Urine, ECG, USG, X-ray, CT etc. are available for casualty patients as per patient condition.
Facilities like wheel chairs and patient trolleys are available at the entrance of casualty with sufficient manpower, viz., stretcher bearer, trolley puller etc.
Out Patient Department (OPD) Services
Out Patients are consulted at the dedicated two storied OPD Complex.
OPD Timings: 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
OPD Card costing Rs. 5/- can be obtained from the main Registration Counter located in the ground floor of hospital building where one can get oneself registered for visiting in respective OPD department.
Patients are seen on first come first serve basis. However, out of turn consultation may be provided in case of emergency or to senior citizens/differently-abled persons.
Investigations: After OPD consultation, the treating doctor will fill up the requisition forms for various investigations and direct/guide the patient to the concerned lab./dept.
Central Clinical Laboratory is located in the ground floor, adjacent to the registration counter in the hospital building. Samples are collected Blood, Urine, Stool, FNAC, Biopsy etc. in this Lab.
Required investigation charges are to be deposited in the designated Cash Counters in ground floor of hospital complex.
There may be a waiting period for certain investigations like CT, USG etc. However, depending on the patient condition and recommendation of the treating doctors, the waiting period are waived.
Many facilities are provided at OPD level, e.g., ECG, Plaster, Injection and Immunization, Contraception and MTP Services, Minor Surgical Intervention, Endoscopy etc. The Gynaecology OPD also has an Early Cancer Detection Centre attached to it for early detection of cervical cancer.
The decision to admit a patient rests with the treating doctor. In case of emergency, out of turn admissions are done.
Wheel chairs, patient trolleys etc. are available free of charge at the entrance of OPD with sufficient manpower.
OPDs have respective waiting hall with chairs and at each floor.
For the differently-abled patients, there is provision of ramp in the hospital building and on request in the Reception Counter, wheel chair and trolley facilities are provided.
There is also a provision of a Canteen in the hospital complex.
Ambulance facility is available to transfer patients to other hospitals within the city or meet any exigency/disaster situation. Various other ambulance services 102, 104, 108 are available beside those.
Designated parking lot is provided for vehicles of patients attending OPD services.
Upgrade itself into a centre of excellence in terms of post-graduate and super-specialty medical education, patient care and research.
Responsibilities of Users
The success of this charter depends on the support we receive from our users.
• Please try to appreciate the various constraints under which the hospital is functioning. On an average, more than 400 patients attend the OPD daily.
• Please follow the rules and regulations of the hospital while inside the hospital campus.
• Please do not cause inconvenience to other patients by over-crowding and silence is to be maintained.
• Please help us in keeping the hospital and its surroundings neat and clean.
• Please don’t argue with security guards, show your passes when asked for and help maintain peace and tranquillity within the hospital premises.
• Please use the facilities of this hospital with care and do not damage/spoil hospital property.
• Beware of touts and unauthorized persons. Don’t indulge in any money transactions with them. The hospital authority shall not be responsible for any untoward situation arising thereafter.
• The Hospital is a No Smoking and No Tobacco Zone. Please don’t use any tobacco product inside hospital.
• Please do not chew betel-nut and spit inside the hospital campus.
• Please provide useful feedback and constructive suggestions. These may be addressed to the Medical Superintendent of the Hospital/Public Relations Officer. The KMCH authority shall try its level best to sort out the problems.
A Complaint and Grievance Redressal Box is kept in front of Hospital Superintendent’s Office. When our services are not upto your expectations, you are always welcome to lodge your specific grievances in the aforesaid box. We will put our utmost efforts to rectify our shortfalls as far as practically possible. The citizens may also personally contact the Public Relations Officer of KMCH, Kokrajhar for redressal of their grievances.
Name & Contact No.:Contact Nos. of Administrations of Kokrajhar Medical College & Hospital, Kokrajhar.
Sl. No. | Name | Designation | Phone |
1 | Prof. (Dr.) Atul Ch. Baro | Principal cum Chief Superintendent | 9435105372 |
2 | Prof. (Dr.) Bhubaneswar Saikia | Medical Superintendent | 9864134847 |
3 | Dr. Anupal Sarma | Additional Superintendent | 9864051793 |
4 | Dr. Bhaskar Brahma | Deputy Superintendent | 9707013457 |
5 | Dr. Pranjit Narzaree | Deputy Superintendent | 9678552865 |
6 | Dr. Amit Muchahary | Deputy Superintendent | 8472883298 |
7 | Dr. Mohammed Asif | Deputy Superintendent | 8471937290 |